The words “where do you want to be” consistently echo in my head when I’m training. Six simple words that have pushed me to another set, rep, or to add a little bit more weight countless times over – mostly at a time when your body feels the need to just give up.

This is thanks to one of my trainers Justin screaming them at me. A former CFL safety, he knows first hand what it takes to take yourself to the next level. To push yourself just a little bit harder, and 10% harder than everybody else. I am lucky to have him. ?

Recently I’ve found myself aiming for goals far outside a quick reach. They’re not impossible, but they take discipline and a lot of hard work just to even have a sniff of opportunity. They’re dreams. Because of these I’ve found myself self-reflecting on the individuals who have inspired me, and helped me develop my goal-chasing attitude.

ˈhirō/ noun

a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

Everyone with a dream needs a hero. They come in all shapes and sizes, you may know them personally or never met them at all – but they inspire you to be a better version of yourself. (Unfortunately, most don’t have capes but it would be pretty cool if they did). Now these individuals aren’t heroes to me just because of their accomplishments. It’s their strength in sacrifice – pushing themselves when no one else is watching. Heart outweighs talent in my opinion.

Story time:

I have been blessed to have my hero my entire life. Someone who’s faced challenges, doubters, and anything else the world could throw at them – just to come out stronger and with more will to chase her dream. This inspiring attitude comes from my very own mother.

Someone who continued to push the boundaries of what was possible as an athlete and then find the strength to not push the bar, but throw it and then go get it again. Becoming a World Champion Bodybuilder in the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) isn’t easy to begin with, doing it in just five years is something next level – but so was her mindset. Committed to her dreams, you could always find her in the gym at 5am every morning before heading to her day job as a principal. I’m sure she was one of the most feared principals in the school system.

At a young age she wrote me a note – something to help me get through a training camp away from home. I’ve kept it to this day as a constant reminder of what mindset it takes to become a champion.

Sometimes, in order to excel, we have to demand more (physically and mentally) of ourselves.

It is the elite athlete who can overcome the feelings of “this is too hard” or “I don’t feel like doing this or I can’t” – who is the winner – for no matter what sport – team or individual – soccer, hockey, gymnastics or bodybuilding, the ultimate challenge is with one’s self.

Be a winner – dig deep inside yourself, take full advantage of the opportunities which has been provided to you. You are an extremely gifted athlete – but just like all gifted athletes you must learn to develop and overcome the mental competition – for this is truly what separates a “good” athlete from an “exceptional” athlete!

Remember the strength comes from within.

Be strong!

Love you lots & lots.

Mom Xoxo

Please keep in mind I was very young when she wrote this, but a little love from Mom never hurt for motivation either. I’ve always kept his note because to this day I have never found a more driven and dedicated individual – and that inspires me. Want to read more about what she accomplished? Click here. 

Have a dream, a hero, dig your heels in and push yourself harder than anyone else is willing to.

How bad do you really want it?