Compression gear is a crucial part of many athlete’s toolkit. But how do budget friendly, mainstream brands compare to built-to-perform compression based brands? Truth is – they don’t. You get what you pay for and anybody looking to enhance training, performance, shouldn’t be looking to take shortcuts when it comes to their gear. You don’t cheat a squat and call it a full rep, so don’t cheat yourself on your gear either.
Compression gear offers many benefits to athletes. Less muscle damage, greater endurance, and improved recovery are just a few of the simple but effective reasons to add it to your daily training routine.
Human performance multiplied is the motto for Australian based company 2XU. They offer a complete lineup of high-quality, purpose built compression lines designed to aid your training and even recovery. Fuelled by technology, science, research, and athlete input each piece is designed with athletic performance in mind.
Want to see what we’re talking about? Watch this quick video showcasing their MCS (Muscle Containment Stamping) technology, and how it’s incorporated into the compression gears fabric.
I know you’re thinking, “Great – cool designs and neat gold logo, but how does this affect how much I can clean or squat?” so let me tell you. While compression gear won’t automatically add an extra plate to your set, it will improve your muscles endurance, and recovery. This means you’ll be able to find those extra reps, feel more rested after those quick 30 second rests, and more importantly be ready to do it all over again the next day.
Here’s a little more from 2XU themselves:
MCS (Muscle Containment Stamping) is a patterned elastic-style material that lines the inside of the compression fabric to provide an extra targeted area of compression.
The stamping is its own layer, additional to the fabric not within it, and can be applied precisely where needed to support muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia groups.
Added compression accurately shaped to your anatomy provides extra support to key muscle areas, which lessens muscle oscillation and reduces fatigue, energy wastage and soreness.
A product post wouldn’t be complete without a testimonial – so here is our opinion of their products.
After testing the 2XU products for the first time, I quickly found myself immediately returning online to order more and tossing my Under Armour and Nike gear to the trash. I have found the 2XU apparel to be tighter, longer lasting, and a far superior fabric to anything else on the market.
Intrigued but not inspired? Give this a watch and then head over to 2XU to start ordering your own top high-performance compression gear.
Source: 2XU Canada