Team Canada Bobsleigh Pilot
Returning to being an athlete is not something I expected to do in my mid-twenties. In fact, I had abandoned the thought altogether after I finished high school and continued on to university. Lots of us grew up with hopes and dreams of playing in lit up stadiums, with thousands of fans cheering your team on to victory, but the percentage of individuals who actually have the opportunity to experience that is just all too small.
Growing up my life revolved around competitive sports. Despite my dedication, I was just too small and didn’t quite have what it took to get to the next level. Years later, those dreams faded as friends and other athletes progressed their careers to great heights and I simply fell behind, and eventually, off.
Fast forward to early 2017 and I found myself back in a position where I was ready for something. I began searching for a change, a space I could perform in, and something I could down right sink my teeth into. Redemption.
I believe you are a product of your environment. I try to surround myself with like-minded, eager individuals who are dedicated to something greater than themselves – selfless if you would. Long ago, I learnt it’s important to share your experiences. The hope is that these experiences can influence someone else in a positive manner.
Bobsleigh is more than sport. In a very short amount of time it’s become an obsession, a heartfelt passion, and community. It’s incredible to hear the stories and adventures other athletes have had, many of them comparable to mine, which makes this unique community of athletes humble and familiar. We spend countless hours together as a crew, to shave hundredths of a second as a team.
As athletes, we all believe in something greater than ourselves and giving back to the community that supports us.